More about Teena Horlacher
For Republican National Committeewoman

Hello 2024 State Delegates

Your role as delegate is to choose the candidates that best represent the values set forth in the Platform of the Republican Party. I want you to know I am one of those candidates. I live and breathe the RED that symbolizes liberty. The Republican Party exists as the trustees of the American Heritage. Everything we do must be dedicated to keeping the American Dream alive!

I am a mother of 10 children. I have spent my life educating them and other children and youth. I grew up in Cache Valley and while attending USU, I earned 2 BAs: Journalism and Political Science and later an MA: in Political Economy. I have used my education to serve within the community.

One of the ways I have chosen to serve is in the UTGOP—in every position including Legislative District Chair, Davis County Party Chair, State Central Committee (SCC) four 2 yr. terms and the UTGOP Executive Committee. In addition, I am one of the founders and the executive director of the WeCANAct Liberty Conference, a highly successful grassroots effort designed to educate citizens in the exercise of their civil liberties. I am one of you, a mother, friend, neighbor who cares about her community and the environment she raises her children in. I have worked hard within the grassroots, serving among us for many years and I have an intimate understanding of our feelings, desires and needs.

Fundraising for the RNC is very important. I have been highly influential in raising over $750K during the last few years for different efforts, all grassroots! I also understand the mechanisms of the Party, its current challenges and potential.

As a young mother, I first became involved in the Caucus and Convention system. I have attended many conventions as a delegate, including the convention when Senator Bob Bennett was voted out of office as a sitting senator at Convention. I was so new at the time I didn’t really understand what it was all about. Imagine, if we as delegates, still had that kind of power? Would our elected representatives represent us better? What would our elections look like if delegates could really narrow the candidate field to those who best represent our RED values? A Utah legislator recently lamented to me, “how different would our state legislature and federal delegation look if we didn’t have SB54.”

During my tenure on the SCC, I have worked diligently to undo the damage done by SB54 (a law passed in 2014 [two years after Bob Bennet lost his seat] that allows candidates to get to the primary ballot by signature gathering rather than through convention).

The integrity of our elections is of utmost importance to me. If we don’t have transparent, verifiable (in the aggregate), and auditable elections we have nothing. That is my #1 priority and it should be yours.

As your Republican National Committeewoman, I promise to help bridge the gap between the RNC and the grassroots. We need the Party to not only help get Republicans elected but to hold those public servants accountable to our platform.

My plan to bring the Party back to you is for the Republican Party to create a scorecard by which they grade elected officials according to their votes. This would have the immediate effect of having the Party represent the people again, hold our public servants accountable to their actions and Democrats who are using the Party to advance their agendas would choose to leave because they cannot endure a party who adheres to our platform. This is a simple plan that creates transparency and accountability amongst those who represent us.

It’s a new day at the RNC! I plan to help our new RNC leadership with reforming the Party.

I humbly ask for your vote so I can represent your voice and Utah on the RNC.

In Liberty,

Teena Horlacher

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

~John F. Kennedy

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