Does Your Vote Count?

Greetings State Delegates,

Teena Horlacher here, and I am running to be your Republican National Committeewoman. I urge you to read this post to the end.

It is vital for all of us to understand the serious issue of election integrity and election fraud. I remember reading about cheating in elections and other serious election issues in my history books when I was in high school. We must be ever vigilant.

Some believe in serious election fraud and others don’t believe it at all. Despite who is right or wrong, the fact remains there is a large percentage of the population who have grave concerns regarding the security of our elections. We must consider these concerns. When people feel their voices are not heard through the mechanism of a vote, discontent abounds.

There is much talk regarding this subject among all candidates.

While talking is important, the actual effort is extraordinarily difficult.

I have been involved in this effort for over 10 years:

I am the only NCW candidate who, with a group of State Central Committee members, took control of the lawsuit against Utah Senate Bill 54 (SB54 2014) all the way to the Supreme Court in 2017. We gathered over 100 Amicus Briefs. We were very hopeful, as one of the appellate judges had asked the State’s attorney a powerful, clarifying question: “You mean to tell me that Bernie Sanders could gather signatures to get on the Republican Ballot?” The attorney answered, YES! Despite this, Governor Herbert and Lt. Gov Cox wrote a 36 page brief urging the court to not hear the case and SCOTUS, with over 900 appeals brought to them each year, decided not to take our case. This last legislative session the legislature voted to strengthen SB54 by making signature gathering even easier.

This is how we lose control of our membership and the representation of the people. Over the last few weeks many of you have told me you feel the Party doesn’t represent you anymore. I believe this to be true.

SB54 is also known as the Incumbent Protection Plan. It is nearly impossible to unseat an incumbent due to name recognition and money. Mr. Smith can hardly make it to Washington. Even now, signature gatherers are reaching beyond the delegates and advertising for the primary while convention candidates have to wait until after convention to reach the general population. Your invaluable vetting and vote, as a delegate, is much less powerful due to SB54. I won’t stop fighting to end this unconstitutional law.

As an SCC member, I have led the effort for voting transparency at State Conventions. Under my motion, the SCC voted almost unanimously to use paper ballots prior to the 2023 Organizing Convention, yet we used phones to vote. This system lacked transparency and the ability to audit and verify votes in the aggregate. In addition, the result of the vote took an hour to announce. Why? I thought electronic voting methods are supposed to be more effective, efficient and timely.

Just recently, the SCC passed a resolution to use paper ballots for elections, thanks to Casey Gale. It is absolutely essential that voting at the 2024 Nominating State Convention allows delegates to know their vote is counted and that the aggregate of the vote can be verified by an independent auditor, without the need for a deep understanding of computer coding. In addition, Candidates deserve to KNOW the vote meets the requirements demanded by SCC members. The SCC IS the governing body of the party. Their votes don’t matter when an appointed committee by the Chair doesn’t follow the direction of that body.

In October of 2021, I brought in many experts from all over the country to an event called the WeCANAct Liberty Conference where voting abnormalities across the Nation were shown. This is a Nation-wide problem. There is no other explanation for the demise of our Country.

Currently, I am involved with local efforts to continue to secure the election process, including testifying on bills, educating county auditors, informing citizens, canvassing and other efforts to ensure our elections are secure and that, together, we can Save America!

I stand with RNC co-chair Lara Trump who said, “Protecting the vote in the upcoming November election is the most critical task for the Republican National Committee.”

As your next Republican National Committeewoman, I will take up this work to the Republican National Committee and continue this effort there as well!

Visit my website to learn more.
Stay tuned to learn more of my grassroots efforts…

In Liberty,