Who is Teena Horlacher?

Greetings State Delegates,

My name is Teena Horlacher. I am running for Republican National Committeewoman and I humbly ask for your vote.

While raising my family of 10 children, I have always felt a duty to be involved. For many years, I have served in the UTGOP as a delegate, precinct chair, legislative chair, Davis County Party Chair, currently a member of the UTGOP State Central Committee (8 years) and an Executive Committee member. I have planned and executed caucus nights, conventions and Lincoln Day Dinners, raising significant funds for the party. I strive to attend all of my meetings.

I am one of the founders and the executive director of the highly successful WeCANAct Liberty Conference, an organic effort to teach citizens how to become involved within our communities and how to network in the preservation of our liberty. With this experience and many others I have learned and developed the skills to effectively inspire individuals and create organizations.

I want to put myself to work at the RNC! I see ways I can contribute new ideas to help heal the party and bridge the gap between the RNC and the Grassroots. We have a lot of work to do! Yes, we must get Republicans elected but we must also ensure that those Republicans keep their promises and follow the standards, values and principles defined by the Party. These principles are what define us as Republicans. The blurred line between the Republicans and Democrats must become a formidable wall. I promise to use all of my skills and designs to help build this wall as an impregnable fortress to preserve our God-given rights.

Again, I humbly ask for your vote so I may be your voice for the next two years.

Stay tuned to learn of my fight for election integrity…

In Liberty,